Yuri Gagarin PLC - Auditors
On the recommendation of the Audit Committee of "Yuri Gagarin" AD and following a selection procedure organized by the company, in compliance with the criteria of Regulation (EU) № 537/2014, the General Meeting of Shareholders elected Mariana Alexandrova Gesheva - a registered auditor, for performing an independent financial audit of the individual and consolidated annual financial statements of "Yuri Gagarin" AD for 2020.
The 2021, 2022 and 2023 Regular General Meeting of Shareholders re-elected Mariyana Alexandrova Gesheva - a registered auditor, to perform an independent financial audit of the individual and consolidated annual financial statements of "Yuri Gagarin" PLC for 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Mariana Alexandrova Gesheva is a certified public accountant / registered auditor in the Register of Auditors maintained by ICPA, with a diploma № 0834/2017.
Education and training:
- Higher economic education, Master in "Finance" and in "Accounting and Control" - University of National and World Economy.
- Certified internal auditor in the public sector - diploma № 01376/2011
- Doctoral degree in organization and management outside the field of material production on the topic: "Information models for financial management of university hospitals" - diploma № 0156/2015 - UNIBIT
From 2008 to 2012 - Manager and owner of the accounting office "Clarin".
From 2012 until now - Chief Accountant of University Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment "St. George" EAD
Experience in the field of audit - auditor of "MIG Engineering" EOOD; "KIKA GROUP" OOD; "FLORA 62" AD and others in companies from branches: "Construction", "Trade" and "Light industry";